
Showing posts from April, 2021

South Africa Turns to Russia and China to Jumpstart National Vaccine Campaign

The South African government  confirmed that it will place large orders for COVID-19 vaccines from both Russia and China  in an effort to finally gets its faltering vaccination campaign underway. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post South Africa Turns to Russia and China to Jumpstart National Vaccine Campaign appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Morocco, Egypt, and Zimbabwe Are the Top Recipients of Chinese Vaccines in Africa

Africa is the second-largest recipient of Chinese vaccine donations worldwide but remains the lowest in terms of quantities delivered,  according to the latest data from the Beijing-based consultancy Bridge Consulting.  But within Africa, Morocco and Egypt have received far more doses than any other country on the continent. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Morocco, Egypt, and Zimbabwe Are the Top Recipients of Chinese Vaccines in Africa appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Economist Intelligence Unit: “Western Powers Have Lost the Vaccine Diplomacy Battle”

The battle over vaccine distribution between the U.S./Europe and China or Russia is over before it even started, declared a new report by the Economist Intelligence Unit. “It is likely that the damage to the reputation of Western countries has already been done and will be hard to repair,” according to the EIU’s assessment.  Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Economist Intelligence Unit: “Western Powers Have Lost the Vaccine Diplomacy Battle” appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

The Chinese Foreign Ministry Responded to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Webinar Where He Talked China-Africa

Antony Blinken probably did not expect that an informal Q&A with alumni of the U.S.-government sponsored Young Africa Leaders Initiative would spark yet another international spat with China. On Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian was asked to comment on the Secretary’s critical remarks about Chinese lending and labor practices in Africa. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post The Chinese Foreign Ministry Responded to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Webinar Where He Talked China-Africa appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Two Chinese Nationals Arrested in Ghanaian Army Crackdown on Illegal Mining

Ghanaian army troops fanned out across the country on Wednesday in a nationwide crackdown on illegal mining in river areas,  arresting dozens, including at least two Chinese nationals. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Two Chinese Nationals Arrested in Ghanaian Army Crackdown on Illegal Mining appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Conflicting Views in Ghana Over China’s Entrance Into the Global Cocoa Trade

A spirited debate is underway in Ghana over the implications of China’s entrance into the global cocoa market. Various commentators, cocoa industry officials, and political leaders have  all expressed concern over the past week  that China will do to the cocoa market what it’s done in so many other sectors: crush the competition through subsidies and below-market pricing tactics. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Conflicting Views in Ghana Over China’s Entrance Into the Global Cocoa Trade appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Blinken Warns of Chinese Debt Traps and Imported Labor in Q&A With African Youth

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken resuscitated widely debunked theories about debt traps and imported labor to warn African countries about the dangers of working too closely with Beijing. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Blinken Warns of Chinese Debt Traps and Imported Labor in Q&A With African Youth appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Maybe Antony Blinken Thinks China Uses Debt Traps in Africa After Reading Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal

It’s not surprising that a lot of people, including the U.S. Secretary of State , remain mistaken in their belief that the Chinese seize physical assets in the event of a loan default, given that it continues to appear in news reports —  including yesterday’s Wall Street Journal. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Maybe Antony Blinken Thinks China Uses Debt Traps in Africa After Reading Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Debunking the Chinese Unskilled Labor Myth in Africa

Antony Blinken is just the latest U.S. Secretary of State to accuse China of bringing over large numbers of unskilled workers to build infrastructure in Africa, presumably at the expense of local labor. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Debunking the Chinese Unskilled Labor Myth in Africa appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Transcript of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Q&A Exchange About Chinese Engagement in Africa

WAZAM OBANOR: Considering the growth of the Chinese in Africa, will the U.S. be competing with China in Africa — especially as it pertains to Africa’s growth over the next few years? U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE ANTONY BLINKEN: Thank you Wazam, that’s a very important question. Let me say a few things to that. First, Africa, countries in Africa will and should engage with a broad array of partners — whether it’s China or France, Turkey or Brazil, the United States or many others. And my hope is that African countries and African communities just approach those relationships with your eyes wide open. China’s a global competitor and competition is a good thing as long as it’s basically fair and the playing field is level. But, as we look at it we have different approaches to governance, we have different approaches to business, we have different approaches to security and the fundamentals sometimes of our partnerships are quite different. The United States believes that a free and open ru

Why African Energy Exporters Should Be Concerned About CNOOC’s Interest in a Massive Qatari Gas Deal

One of China’s three major oil and gas companies, CNOOC,  is reportedly interested in joining the world’s largest natural gas project in Qatar. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Why African Energy Exporters Should Be Concerned About CNOOC’s Interest in a Massive Qatari Gas Deal appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Egypt Approves Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use

Egypt’s drug authority said on Monday it had granted approval to China’s Sinovac coronavirus vaccine for emergency use.   Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Egypt Approves Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

The Stuff That Goes Into Making a Battery For Electric Vehicles is Getting a Lot More Expensive

Prices for the key commodities needed to produce electric vehicle batteries have been rallying all year on stronger demand for new energy vehicles. They spiked in recent days, following the U.S.-led summit on climate change that took place online last week. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post The Stuff That Goes Into Making a Battery For Electric Vehicles is Getting a Lot More Expensive appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

The U.S. Tries to Repackage What’s Effectively a Zoom Call Into Secretary Antony Blinken’s “Virtual Travel to Africa”

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will “ embark on his first virtual trip to Africa ” on Tuesday as part of an effort to reach out with young people in Kenya and Nigeria. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post The U.S. Tries to Repackage What’s Effectively a Zoom Call Into Secretary Antony Blinken’s “Virtual Travel to Africa” appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

China, Africa and the Fast-Changing Geopolitics of Vaccines

Public health authorities across Africa are scrambling to find new sources of vaccines now that the supply of jabs they had been counting on from the global Covax alliance has all but come to a halt due to the unfolding disaster in India. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post China, Africa and the Fast-Changing Geopolitics of Vaccines appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

After Dropping AstraZeneca From Its Vaccine Plan, the Africa CDC Looks to Sinopharm For Jabs

The Africa Center for Disease Control is reportedly in “advanced stage of discussions” to secure supplies of the Chinese-made Sinopharm vaccine. “We are hopeful the discussion will lead to a favorable pronouncement on the emergency use authorization of Sinopharm’s coronavirus vaccine. This will increase the pool of our recommended vaccines,”  said Dr. John Nkengasong, the director of the Africa CDC at a press briefing late last week .  Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post After Dropping AstraZeneca From Its Vaccine Plan, the Africa CDC Looks to Sinopharm For Jabs appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

In a Bid to Get People Back in the Air, Ethiopian Airlines Deploys Chinese Tech For Rapid Passenger COVID Testing

Ethiopian Airlines is hoping that a new Chinese-made COVID-19 rapid testing facility at its hub in Addis Ababa will resuscitate its passenger business. The airline partnered with BGI Health Ethiopia, a subsidiary of China’s biotech giant, the BGI Genomics Co, to build the new testing center at Bole International Airport.  Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post In a Bid to Get People Back in the Air, Ethiopian Airlines Deploys Chinese Tech For Rapid Passenger COVID Testing appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Just Because a Country Places an Order For Chinese Vaccines, Doesn’t Mean They’ll Be Delivered on Time

The Beijing-based consultancy Bridge Consulting provides an important reminder that announcements about vaccine deals between China and various African governments are a little bit like many of those MoU announcements that too often fail to deliver real projects. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Just Because a Country Places an Order For Chinese Vaccines, Doesn’t Mean They’ll Be Delivered on Time appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

China’s Leading Respiratory Disease Expert Warns Sinovac, Sinopharm Vaccines Vulnerable to South African Variant

China’s famed respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshang (photo) issued a new warning over the weekend  about the vulnerabilities of Chinese COVID-19 vaccines that use so-called inactive agents and their ability to hold up against new variants. Zhong acknowledged at a medical forum on Saturday that both Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines showed reduced efficacy against the B.1.351 variant that was first detected in South Africa. This is the second time in just over two weeks  that a senior Chinese public health official has acknowledged efficacy issues related to its COVID-19 vaccines. The key issue here is that the mRNA method used by Pfizer and Moderna has been proven to be more effective than the less sophisticated Chinese jabs that use inactive agents to generate an immune response. Read more on Zhong’s comments on the Global Times website. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa

With the COVID Crisis Exploding in India, More Countries Turn to China to Fill the Vaccine Void

The vaccine distribution dynamic is rapidly changing in response to  the unfolding calamity in India, where the country’s healthcare system has collapsed  due to an explosion of infections across the country. Experts say the Indian government’s claim of 300,000 infections and 2,000 deaths per day is a severe undercount  because the pandemic is spreading fastest in the countryside where there’s no way to monitor it due to a lack of public health infrastructure. What’s happening now in India is having direct, critical implications on developing countries in Africa, Asia, and around the world who had been counting on Indian factories to supply them with AstraZeneca vaccines as part of the global Covax initiative. New Delhi has now  halted all vaccine exports  so they can be used domestically instead. “If the delay continues — I hope it’s a delay and not a ban — that would be catastrophic for meeting our vaccinations schedule,”  said John Nkengasong, director of the Africa Centers for D

FT: The Evidence From Chile Says Sinovac’s Vaccine is Working

Despite earlier concerns over its low efficacy rate, the Chinese-made Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine appears to be performing well in its largest test to date in Chile,  according to the findings by the Financial Times’ Senior Data-Visualization Journalist John Burn-Murdoch. Sinovac’s 50.4% efficacy rate that was derived from phase three clinical trials in Brazil, related to mild cases only. What Burn-Murdoch’s reporting shows is that the vaccine is successfully protecting people from becoming seriously ill and keeping them out of the intensive care unit. Read m ore on the efficacy performance of Sinovac and other vaccines on the FT website. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You've reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. SUBSCRIBE: $15 per mon

Seems Like Building an Alternative to China’s BRI is the Thing to Do. Now, the EU and India Want to Give It a Try.

The European Union and India are reportedly in talks to develop a new partnership to build infrastructure around the world in an effort to provide an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. If this sounds familiar, well, it is. U.S. President  Joe Biden raised the same idea with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson  during a phone call earlier this month and  the issue was also reportedly raised during Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s visit to the White House  last week. The EU-India plan,  reports the Financial Times , would not be branded as anti-Chinese per se but rather would be positioned to offer developing countries in Africa and Asia with a competitive alternative to China’s financing and construction offers through the Belt and Road Initiative. Read m ore on this story on the Financial Times website. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect

The U.S. Congress Wants to Know More About What the Chinese Are Doing in Africa

In a rare display of bipartisanship in Washington, D.C., the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 21-1 on Wednesday to move a bill designed to counter China’s growing influence around the world. Next, the “ Strategic Competition Act of 2021 ” will go to the full Senate for a vote before it moves on to the House. But right at the last minute yesterday, before the vote, members of the Foreign Relations committee slipped in a number of additions to the Bill that focused  specifically on Chinese engagement in Africa: SECTION 271 – ASSESSMENT OF POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, AND SECURITY ACTIVITY OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN AFRICA:  Within 6 months after it goes into effect, Congress wants the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence to provide a comprehensive report on Chinese political activities, investment, soft power and an analysis of the “methods and techniques that China uses to exert undue influence on African governments.” SECTION 272 – INCREASING THE

The Top Commander for U.S. Forces in Africa Tries to Make the Case For Why Americans Should Care About the Continent (Hint: It Has Something to do With China)

Army General Stephen J. Townsend (photo), the top commander for U.S. forces in Africa (AFRICOM), really wants Americans to pay more attention to what’s going on in Africa. “China and Russia don’t ignore Africa, and that alone should say something,”  he said . The general said it’s critical that the U.S. present an alternative in Africa on everything from poverty alleviation to security. Townsend, though, apparently isn’t up-to-date with the current messaging strategy in Washington that no longer emphasizes China’s “debt-trap diplomacy” — a once widely-held yet now-debunked theory that China intentionally burdens poor developing countries with excessive loans in order to seize strategic assets and resources. “The Chinese are playing a long game on the continent,” he added. Read more about General Townsend’s comments on the U.S. Defense Department website. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shapin

Growing Civil Society Anger in Ghana About the Government’s Perceived Double Standard in How It Treats Chinese “Galamsey”

There’s growing frustration in Ghana over the government’s apparent refusal to crack down on Chinese participation in illegal gold mining, a practice known locally as galamsey. This is an issue that’s been simmering for years, but recently activists and commentators have become much more vocal in denouncing the national government for failing to act to protect the environment and the rights of Ghanaian workers. Two Angry Views on the Ghanaian Government’s Refusal to Crack Down on Chinese Illegal Miners : KWAKU BADU, MODERN GHANA COLUMNIST : “Careless Chinese illegal miners end up violating the laws which govern the small scale mining sector… The overarching question then is: Why are the regulators (the Ghana Minerals Commission and other bodies) refusing to keep a close eye on the illegal activities of the unpatriotic Ghanaians and their foreign minions, many of whom are bent on destroying the environment?”  (READ MORE) KWAME ASARE-OBENG, POLITICAL ACTIVIST:  “Just last week Chin

Chinese Legislators Meet With Counterparts in Burkina Faso and Egypt

There’s been a noticeable uptick in the number of engagements between Chinese and African legislative leaders.  In Burkina Faso , members of the Foreign Affairs Commission from China’s National People’s Congress held a video conference with representatives from the National Assembly. And earlier this week, on Tuesday, China’s top legislator Li Zhanshu  met virtually  with Egyptian House of Representatives Speaker Hanafy Ali al-Gebaly. The topic of their discussion wasn’t very notable, what’s more important here is the relationship building that’s taking place between. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You've reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. SUBSCRIBE: $15 per month SUBSCRIBE: $149 per year -17% Savings The post Chinese Legisla

China to Build a New Library at the University of Nairobi

Beijing’s top diplomat for sub-Saharan Africa, Wu Peng,  announced on Twitter yesterday  that the Chinese government will build a China-themed library at the University of Nairobi. The university is already home to a Confucius Institute. Wu added that he also hopes a similar facility will be constructed in Beijing to help facilitate a better understanding of Kenyan and African affairs among Chinese people. Obviously, since the Chinese government is sponsoring this new library in Nairobi, all of the materials within the facility will be curated by Chinese personnel to ensure compliance with editorial guidelines (censorship). Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You've reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. SUBSCRIBE: $15 per month SUBSCRIBE:

What’s at Stake for China in Chad Following the Unexpected Death of President Idriss Deby?

News that Mahamat Kaka, son of late Chadian President Idriss Deby who was killed on Monday in fighting near the Libyan border,  has been named interim leader  will likely be well received at the headquarters of the  China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)  in Beijing. China’s strategic interests in Chad are almost exclusively focused on oil, specifically the billions of dollars that CNPC has invested over the years to develop Chadian oil fields, build new pipelines, and refining capacity.  As of 2018 , the company increased its production output in Chad to 4 million tons per year and completed the construction of  310 kilometers of pipelines  that transports crude to the CNPC-built N’Djamena refinery. It may or may not be a coincidence that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi repeated Beijing’s calls for enhanced security efforts in the region during a UN Security Council debate on Monday, the same day that Deby was killed.  As of 2019, China has been a key financial supporter of th

China’s Top Economic Planning Agency Issued a Report About the BRI That Policymakers in Africa and Elsewhere in the Global South Should Read Carefully

The National Development and Reform Commission (NRDC), China’s top economic planning agency, published a new report on Tuesday,  according to the South China Morning Post newspaper , that detailed some of the key challenges confronting Beijing’s new 5-year plan, with a particular focus on infrastructure development as part of the Belt and Road Initiative. In short, the NRDC warned that the combined effects of the ongoing pandemic, worsening ties with the United States, and heightened geopolitical risk in certain emerging markets will all adversely impact financing Belt and Road infrastructure projects: COVID-19:  “Due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the world economy is in recession and under increasing pressure. The foundation of our country’s economic recovery is not yet steady. Some local governments and enterprises have certain difficulties in their economic and financial situation, the resources they can put into the Belt and Road Initiative will be affected.” GEO

China To Do More to Make COVID-19 Vaccines Accessible to Developing Countries, Says Xi

President Xi Jinping told attendees of the Boao Forum taking place on China’s southern Hainan Island on Tuesday that Beijing will increase the “ accessibility and affordability ” of vaccines for developing countries. In typical fashion, the President did not provide any specifics on that promise, similar to his equally ambiguous  May 2020 commitment  to make Chinese vaccines available to poor countries as a “global public good.” At present, China and Russia have become the world’s two leading suppliers of vaccines to developing states given a dramatic slowdown in Covax deliveries and no exports from wealthy countries.  It’s important to note, however, that although China has shipped more than 650 million doses, only 15 million of those jabs were provided as donations,  according to the latest data from the Beijing-based consultancy Bridge . Today’s China Vaccines Headlines in Africa: MADAGASCAR:  President Andry Rajoelina on Monday announced that the island nation would seek to a

China’s Tecno Knocks Off Samsung to Become Africa’s #1 Smartphone

Tecno, for the first time, edged out Samsung to become the top smartphone brand in Africa in 2020 thanks to a steady stream of new, affordable devices backed with robust marketing budgets,  according to the latest data from Counterpoint Research’s Market Monitor service. Tecno’s ability to grow its share of the market last year is even more impressive considering that overall African smartphone shipments last year fell 6.7% compared to 2019. The latest Counterpoint figures highlight what’s been a developing trend of Chinese handset makers coming to dominate the African market over several years. Seven out of the top ten smartphone brands are Chinese with the three Transsion brands (Tecno, iTel, and Infinix) alone accounting for 37% of the entire market. Key Highlights From Counterpoint Research’s Latest Report on the African Smartphone Market TECNO  became Africa’s top smartphone brand in 2020. Despite disruptive trading conditions in the first half of the year across key Sub-Saha

Leaders From the World’s Major Powers Convene in Two Separate Summits. African Issues Addressed in One… Albeit Just Barely

Two separate international summits took place on Friday. China was a primary actor in one and a prominent theme of the other. And in both the  U.S.-Japan summit in Washington  and the  Franco-German virtual meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping , key Global South issues ranging from vaccines to debt to climate change were all high on the agenda.  Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You’ve reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Click Here to Learn More The post Leaders From the World’s Major Powers Convene in Two Separate Summits. African Issues Addressed in One… Albeit Just Barely appeared first on The China Africa Project . source

Chile’s Reliance on Chinese-Made Vaccines Provides a Cautionary Example for Public Health Officials in Africa and Other Developing Regions

A number of events have converged to further constrict the flow of COVID-19 vaccines to Africa and other regions throughout the Global South. India, once a major vaccine exporter,  halted all overseas shipments in an effort to contain a massive surge of infections at home . In turn, that has put further pressure on the global Covax alliance, which  has been struggling of late to find enough supply for the world’s poorest countries . And then, last week’s decision by Johnson & Johnson to  temporarily take its vaccine off the market  to concerns over blood clotting has made the situation even worse. This means that some African countries may have no other choice, at least for now, then to turn to Russia and China for vaccines given that production output in both countries is steadily rising. With that in mind, public health officials in Africa may want to study what’s happening in Chile right now,  according to findings published by the Wall Street Journal . With 7.6 million people

Concerns Over Chinese Vaccine Efficacy Have Had No Measurable Impact on Distribution

Leaders and public health officials in developing countries have seemingly brushed aside concerns about the efficacy of Chinese-made vaccines. Many are courting Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturers to secure further supplies. According to the latest figures  compiled by Chinese state-run broadcaster CGTN , China has distributed vaccines to 25 African countries. While the number of countries on the continent is higher than any other region, the actual quantity of vaccines shipped is significantly smaller. In fact, Africa to date has received less than 10% of the quantities of vaccines shipped to both Latin America and Asia,  according to data published last week by the Beijing-based consultancy Bridge . Chinese Vaccine Headlines in Africa: EQUATORIAL GUINEA:  A second shipment of COVID-19 vaccines donated by China will arrive today in Malabo.  (@EMBCHINAGE) GUINEA:  A shipment of 300,000 Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines purchased from China arrived in Conakry on Sunday. The government