
Showing posts from June, 2022

WEEK IN REVIEW: Iran Is the Second Country This Week, After Argentina, to Submit an Application to Join the BRICS Club

Iran is the second country this week, after Argentina, to submit an application to join the BRICS club.  The BRICS group is increasingly seen by both Beijing and Moscow as a potential alternative to the Western-led international economic order. Although the BRICS states have agreed to expand their membership, they haven’t said how many countries they plan to accept and what the criteria are.  (REUTERS) Argentine President Alberto Fernández formally requested to join the BRICS club as part of his ongoing effort to more closely align with Russia and China.  “We aspire to be full members of this group of nations,” President Fernández said on Friday during a virtual leaders summit hosted by China. BRICS leaders have indicated they are considering expansion but have not specified which countries they plan to admit first.  (MERCOPRESS) … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations

Maybe The West’s Pressure on China to Build “High Quality” Infrastructure is Working

A Xinhua headline from Wednesday  hints that years of criticism of low-quality Chinese-built infrastructure in developing countries may be having its desired effect. Chinese messaging on these issues used to focus on the speed of delivery or the low cost of construction. But the fact that Xinhua’s story on the completion of a 53km section of the Trans-Saharan Highway in Algeria focused on quality may be a direct response to those earlier critiques and a preview of what’s to come in the burgeoning contest between the G7’s new PGII and the BRI. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Alrea

Fears of Chinese Predatory Lending in Central Asia

The Chairman of Kyrgyzstan’s Council of Ministers, Akylbek Zhaparov,  repeated debunked accusations on Wednesday  that China seized strategic assets in both Pakistan and Sri Lanka when they couldn’t afford to repay their debts. He warned that the same could happen in his Central Asian country unless all debts to China are repaid.  “We all need to unite in order to maintain our independence,” he said. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Fears of Chinese Predatory Lending in Central Asia appeared first on The China

UAE’s Ambassador to China Meets With Sinopharm President to Discuss Future Cooperation

The UAE’s ambassador to China,  Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri, met with the President of Sinopharm, Liu Jinchen , at the embassy in Beijing this week to discuss how the two sides can enhance their current partnership. The Emirates has become a very important outpost for the Chinese pharmaceutical company as a key  manufacturing hub  and  locale for clinical trials  of its COVID vaccines. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post UAE’s Ambassador to China Meets With Sinopharm President to Discuss Future Cooperation appeared first

Tucker Carlson: China is Colonizing Countries in the Western Hemisphere

Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the most popular cable talk show personality in the United States, is hosting his show from Brazil this week and warning that the “Chinese military is establishing a threatening new beach head” in the country and that the United States isn’t doing anything to stop it. Who cares what Tucker Carlson has to say. He’s just a bloviating talk show host.  That may be true, but he is also the most influential media voice in the Republican party today, and many of his talking points make their way into mainstream GOP messaging. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings)

How Will the G7’s PGII Differ from China’s BRI? An Expert Weighs In

Responses to the G7’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment (PGII) have run the gamut from enthusiastic approval to strident condemnation. However, many have also raised questions about how the initiative will actually work.  While the PGII is currently presented as an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), both also raise the issue of how global infrastructure provision to the Global South can be improved. Particularly, the question of how to set global infrastructure standards while being as inclusive as possible is pertinent in both cases. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $

The G7’s New Infrastructure Initiative Could Strengthen China’s Global South Game: Experts

The G7’s new Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment (PGII), a $600 billion plan to build infrastructure across the Global South and counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), could have the effect of improving how Chinese companies do business and could end up improving the BRI itself, according to development experts.  Some acknowledged that the BRI has been controversial for its environmental and debt impacts. But they also pointed out that new standards would not only improve Chinese companies’ practices abroad it could also improve domestic standards within China. At the same time, the initiative will offer Global South governments new bargaining power. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global

World Bank: Don’t Blame the Pandemic For the Global South Debt Crisis

Two leading World Bank economists issued a stinging rebuke against policymakers in developing countries who have blamed the worsening debt crisis on the pandemic.  “The seeds were sown long before COVID-19,”  wrote Marcello Estevão and Sebastian Essl in a World Bank blog post published on Tuesday . “Between 2011 and 2019, public debt in a sample of 65 developing countries increased by 18% of GDP on average–and by much more in several cases.” … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post World Bank: Don’t Blame the Pandemic F

Ethiopia Shows Off New Chinese and Turkish Drones 

The Ethiopian military  s howed off what appear to be two newly-acquired attack drones , a Turkish Bayraktar TB2 and a Chinese-manufactured Wing Loong 1. The two drones were spotted in state television coverage of a recent graduation ceremony for military pilots. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Ethiopia Shows Off New Chinese and Turkish Drones  appeared first on The China Global South Project . source

Construction of the Chinese-financed Parliament Building in Zimbabwe is Done

A … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Construction of the Chinese-financed Parliament Building in Zimbabwe is Done appeared first on The China Global South Project . source

No Surprise, Chinese State Media Didn’t Think Much of PGII, But They Actually Raised a Few Interesting Points

The Chinese nationalist tabloid Global Times was among the first to launch broadsides against the G7’s latest effort to challenge the Belt and Road. Predictably, the paper interviewed several scholars who all discredited the new program, but rather than simply dismiss it, as they often do, they raised a few legitimate critiques: INTEREST RATES:  An unnamed European studies scholar noted that this isn’t exactly the best time for both governments and businesses to raise huge amounts of money, given that interest rates are shooting up. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subsc

PGII Will Channel a Lot of Private Capital to Developing Countries But What About the Debt?

Even as the G7 was unveiling its new Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment (PGII), protesters in the Alpine town hosting the summit  were calling for more action  on infrastructure-related debt. This debate has recently centered around the impact of Chinese debt, particularly as part of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative.  However, during the G7 summit, organizations like Oxfam highlighted the role of Western private sector lenders in the growing debt crisis sweeping across the Global South. “[Poor nations] are spending more repaying BlackRock than they are on health or education combined,”  said Max Lawson, Oxfam’s inequality policy program.  … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out

Prominent China Scholar Maps a Way Out For Beijing’s Global South Debt Crisis

With the global economy steadily sliding towards recession, a growing number of Chinese bankers are no doubt becoming increasingly nervous about whether they’ll ever see again the tens of billions of dollars they lent to developing countries over the past two decades. For years,  China has been the largest bilateral creditor to developing countries , rivaling even the World Bank. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Prominent China Scholar Maps a Way Out For Beijing’s Global South Debt Crisis appeared first on The

Tuvalu Minister Pulls out of U.N. Ocean Conference After China Blocks Its Taiwanese Delegates

S … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Tuvalu Minister Pulls out of U.N. Ocean Conference After China Blocks Its Taiwanese Delegates appeared first on The China Global South Project . source

Communist Party of China Reaches Out to Nigerian Political Parties

Nigeria’s Inter-Party Advisory Council, an umbrella organization representing all the country’s registered political parties,  held a joint seminar  with the Chinese embassy and the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Under the theme of “Building China-Nigeria Parties Consonance, Performing Nigeria-China Symphony” [sic] the event was officially focused on sharing experiences between parties.  This included a briefing  by China’s Ambassador to Nigeria Cui Jianchun on ”China’s political system, CPC’s 100-Year history, and achievements, highlighting President Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa a

B3W 2.0: The $600 Billion “Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment”

G7 leaders  unveiled their latest effort to challenge China’s Belt and Road Initiative  with the announcement of the “Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII).” The new plan was revealed on Sunday at the leaders’ summit in Germany and included pledges to raise $600 billion in private and public funds over the next five years. The U.S. said it would contribute a third of the financing  but did not specify how much would come from the government and what would be raised from the private sector. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click H

U.S. Forms Coalition to Break China’s Hold on Critical Mineral Supply Chains

The United States, along with partner countries in North America, Europe, and Asia unveiled a new  Mineral Security Partnership  (MSP) pact earlier this month that aims to  challenge China’s control of supply chains for critical resources like cobalt and rare earths. Although concern has been mounting for years over China’s dominance of certain supply chains for strategic resources, both for extraction and processing, Western and Asian powers have done little to respond. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post U.S. For

U.S. and Its Allies in Asia Form New Group to Counter China’s Rising Influence in the South Pacific

The United States formed yet another coalition with a catchy tagline intended to push back against China’s growing clout,  this time in the South Pacific .  The United States, Japan, Australia, Britain, and New Zealand announced on Friday  the formation of the “Partners in the Blue Pacific” that aims to relieve the “growing pressure on the rules-based free and open international order” (presumably coming from China). … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post U.S. and Its Allies in Asia Form New Group to Counter China’s R

USAID Emails Reveal Anxiety Over China’s Solomon Islands Security Pact

Newly-released emails  obtained by Al Jazeera  through a Freedom of Information request highlight U.S. unease over China’s recent security agreement with the Solomon Islands. “Yikes! This is very troubling,”  said Ryan Washburn , USAID mission director to the Philippines, Pacific Islands, and Mongolia. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post USAID Emails Reveal Anxiety Over China’s Solomon Islands Security Pact appeared first on The China Global South Project . source

China, Iran Aim to Boost Trade Through New Railway

A new railway cargo line connecting the southwestern Chinese province of Ningxia with the northern Iranian port city of Anzali is now operational.   The new 8,500-kilometer route  is supposedly twice as fast as other overland transport routes and even speedier than an earlier rail link. The timing of this new rail link with China couldn’t be better for Iran  as it confronts enhanced sanctions by the United States . … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post China, Iran Aim to Boost Trade Through New Railway appeared firs

WEEK IN REVIEW: The United States To Re-launch B3W at Next Week’s G7 Conference

The United States will re-launch the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative at next week’s G7 conference with a new program that aims to provide an alternative to Chinese infrastructure financing in the Global South.  National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan did not provide many details on the new plan but hinted that it would prioritize development in the Asia-Pacific region. “We intend for this to be one of the hallmarks of the Biden administration foreign policy over the remainder of his tenure,” Sullivan said.  (BLOOMBERG) Russia overtook Saudi Arabia last month to become China’s top oil supplier, according to new Chinese customs data.  Chinese purchases of Russian crude surged 55% compared to the same time last year. The data also revealed new imports from Iran and a plunge in supplies from the United States. Overall, Chinese oil imports increased by 12% in May year-on-year.  (REUTERS) South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping a

BRICS Summit Raises Questions About Shared Agenda

This week’s BRICS summit  sets the stage for renewed wrangles around the bloc’s future role. The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa will meet virtually on Thursday  to discuss  cooperation on issues like health cooperation and the post-pandemic recovery.  However, despite the event’s development focus, geopolitical concerns sharpened by the Ukraine crisis are sure to crop up. China’s state-owned newspaper  Global Times made clear  that this year’s summit will also focus on the global economic impact of Western sanctions against Russia.  It called for  the BRICS to spearhead the development of alternative global payment systems that can challenge the “arbitrary hegemony of the US dollar.”  … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global So

Israel’s Shakshuka Diplomacy in China

China’s efforts to promote itself to foreign audiences frequently take the form of stiffly-produced TV inserts on traditional cuisine and historical festivals.  But China isn’t alone in this game – sometimes, it goes the other way. Behold the awkward glory of Peleg Lewi, Israel’s Consul General in Guangzhou, cooking a shakshuka dish on a local Guangdong TV channel to mark the 30th anniversary of official Israel-China relations. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Israel’s Shakshuka Diplomacy in China appeared firs

COVID Lockdowns Hit Cobalt Prices

Chinese cobalt prices  fell about 13% from a peak in May as China’s ongoing COVID lockdowns hit demand for electric vehicles.  The dynamic reveals a gap between the Chinese domestic price for the metal and how that price is calculated globally. The effect is that  cobalt miners are offering  growing concessions to keep Chinese buyers from canceling supply deals.  … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post COVID Lockdowns Hit Cobalt Prices appeared first on The China Global South Project . source https://chinaglobalsou

Corruption Documentary Rocks China-Guyana Relations

Guyana’s ruling party faces controversy  following a documentary by the U.S. media outlet VICE alleging that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo took bribes from a Chinese businessman. President Irfaan Ali  rejected calls  by opposition parties in the South American country calling for Jagdeo’s resignation.  China’s ambassador to Guyana, Guo Haiyan,  said the program is an attempt  to smear relations between Beijing and Georgetown. She emphasized that trade between the two countries has hit historical highs due to the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17%

Despite Controversy, the Video Industry Exposed by the BBC’s Racism Documentary Is Thriving

Even as Chinese diplomats scramble to distance themselves from the trade in videos featuring African children coached to repeat demeaning phrases in Mandarin, the “well-wishing video” industry exposed by the recent BBC documentary “Racism for Sale” is going strong. The China-watcher blog Panda Paw Dragon Claw took a fascinating deep dive into this industry, uncovering where it came from and where it’s going. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Despite Controversy, the Video Industry Exposed by the BBC’s Racism Docu

Life at the Heart of Africa-China Trade 

COVID and government crackdowns have hollowed out Guangzhou’s once-thriving African community. While many of these traders have left China, some are relocating to Yiwu. The city, in Zhejiang province, is one of the world’s largest centers for the trade in consumer goods.  The economic anthropologist Jing Jing Liu shows  how Yiwu’s role as an Africa-China trade hub exacts its own costs on the lives of Nigerian traders who frequently live complicated double lives to make a living.  … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post

UK’s New Special Envoy Signals Contrast to China’s Approach in the Horn of Africa

The United Kingdom has announced  that it’s appointing a special envoy to the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea region. Sarah Montgomery has experience in the Persian Gulf, Iran and Yemen.  She will be the third special envoy from a major power to the region, joining China’s Xue Bing and the United States’s  newly appointed Mike Hammer . … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post UK’s New Special Envoy Signals Contrast to China’s Approach in the Horn of Africa appeared first on The China Global South Project . source htt

Worsening Criminal Attacks on Chinese in DRC 

Attacks against Chinese nationals in the DRC’s mining provinces of Lualaba and Haut-Katanga are worsening. Chinese community groups  have listed ten violent incidents  in the region since late May.  The city of Lubumbashi has seen most of the attacks, followed by Kolwezi. The incidents range from hijackings to attacks on warehouses, offices, and homes. Several Chinese nationals have been injured, some critically.  … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Worsening Criminal Attacks on Chinese in DRC  appeared first on T

China’s Top Diplomat for Sub-Saharan Africa Visits Tanzania

Wu Peng, the Director-General for Sub-Saharan Africa in China’s Foreign Ministry, continued his African tour with a visit to Tanzania. He tweeted that he met with Tanzania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Liberata Mulamula but didn’t specify what they discussed.  (@WUPENG_MFA) Nigeria’s Minister of State Transportation, Gbemisola Saraki, says the rail link connecting the Lagos-to-Ibadan railway to Apapa Port will be finished in two weeks. The project is being led by China Civil Engineering Construction Co.  (PUNCH NIGERIA) … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings)

What Transsion Did in Africa’s Mobile Phone Market, Chinese Device Maker Realme is Doing in India

The Chinese brand RealMe isn’t well known in China, but it managed to zoom to  the number 3 position  in India’s notoriously competitive mobile phone market. With a 16% market share, the company is now only behind Samsung (20%) and China’s Xiaomi (23%.) India’s complex regulations and pressure to boost local competition  have been challenging  to foreign phone-makers. RealMe, which was  spun off from China’s Oppo brand,  has managed to stay on the good side of regulators by manufacturing within India. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Lea

China’s Censors Catch Up with Discussions of BBC Racism Expose

China’s censors are now cracking down  on online discussions sparked by the  BBC documentary “Racism for Sale.”  The program exposes the trade in online videos in which African children are tricked into repeating demeaning phrases in Mandarin.  The domestic conversation included both discussions of anti-Black racism in China and much conspiracy-mongering about the BBC’s role in producing the expose. Some of the accounts circulating the videos and some racist search terms have now been shut down by the censors, although some of the content is still circulating. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (1

Who is behind China Molybdenum in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Who exactly is controlling the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Tenke Fungurume Mine (TFM) , one of the largest copper and cobalt mines in the world, remains a mystery. Officially, the Chinese mining giant China Molybdenum (CMOC) is in a partnership with the DRC’s state-owned mining company Gécamines to run the mine. But now officials from Gécamines, visibly exasperated by what they see as CMOC’s obstructionist attitude, are planning to dissolve the management partnership. This raises questions about the future management of TFM, an issue that could have ramifications far beyond the DRC. The possible end of the Gécamines-CMOC partnership was recently reported by Bloomberg . The report quoted the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director of Gécamines who did not appreciate the umpteenth boycott of a TFM shareholders’ meeting by CMOC leaders last Thursday. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends sh

Chinese Scholars Map the Future of Africa-China Relations

How are Africa-China relations changing in response to crises like Ukraine? Few are more preoccupied with this issue than China’s Africa scholars. The Africa Research Group of the Eurasia Systems Science Society, which includes some of the most prominent Africa scholars in China, recently hosted a conference that was rare in its unvarnished view of China’s failures and successes on the continent.  The participants agreed that Beijing still doesn’t fully understand African needs, which lessens the success of trade and development cooperation. They also argued that the relationship should become a global priority that coordinates the full strategic planning of various Chinese stakeholders. The transcript is crucial reading for those who want to track future developments in the relationship. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that prov

“New” Poll Reaffirms China Far Less Popular Than the U.S. as World Leader

The same week that a pan-African survey revealed that China, for the first time, outperformed the United States in overall favorability, another poll comparing the two major powers, this time by  the geopolitical risk consultancy Eurasia Group  Foundation , came out with very different results in many of the world’s largest countries. However, some important caveats should be considered when reviewing the data:  … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post “New” Poll Reaffirms China Far Less Popular Than the U.S. as World L

Reports: Man at the Center of the Racism for Sale Controversy Arrested in Zambia

According to Chinese news reports, the Chinese national at the center of a brewing controversy over the exploitation of young children in Malawi in the production of viral videos for the Chinese market has been arrested in Zambia. Lu Ke was featured in the recent BBC Africa documentary Racism for Sale about the sale of so-called “greeting” or “blessing” videos where Africans hold up signs or say things in Chinese that are often demeaning. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Reports: Man at the Center of the Racism

Solomon Islands Assure Australia on Chinese Base, Leaves Some Wiggle Room

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare of the Solomon Islands  assured Australia’s visiting Foreign Minister  Penny Wong that China won’t be allowed to build a permanent military base there.  Wong told journalists : “I welcomed Prime Minister Sogavare’s reassurances that there will not be a military base nor persistent foreign military presence in the Solomon Islands.” The commitment could cool down inflamed relations with Canberra over Honiara’s recent security pact with China.  … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post Solom

The New U.S. Ambassador to Ghana Speaks Chinese

Washington’s new envoy to Ghana, Virginia Palmer, comes to the job with an unusual background for a U.S. diplomat in Africa — she speaks Chinese!  Palmer,  according to the U.S. embassy in Accra’s official bio , was previously posted to both China and Hong Kong, no doubt good preparation to observe China’s robust presence in Ghana and West Africa. … Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More The post The New U.S. Ambassador to Ghana Speaks Chinese appeared first on The China Global South Project . source https://chinaglobalsouth