
Showing posts from April, 2023

WEEK IN REVIEW: United Nations Confirms India’s Population Will Surpass China’s This Week

The United Nations confirmed that India’s population will surpass that of China by the end of this week, hitting 1,425,775,850 people.  This follows an earlier  report from a different UN agency  that predicted that India will become the world’s most populous country by the middle of this year.  (BBC) President Xi Jinping on Sunday ordered the protection of Chinese nationals stranded in Sudan, clearing the way for an evacuation.  Chinese marines stationed in Djibouti will likely lead the operation this week to airlift hundreds of Chinese nationals along with residents of Hong Kong, Macau and certain Taiwan passport holders.  (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST) Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what

Chinese-Funded, Constructed Dams Prioritized in Zimbabwe’s Irrigation and Energy Plan

Zimbabwe is accelerating the construction of 12 large dams to irrigate at least 350,000 hectares by 2025 and generate hydropower while also providing potable water. The acceleration plan is meant to increase land acreage under irrigation with farmers in Zimbabwe expected to benefit in a shift from relying solely on rain-fed agriculture. In the plan, construction of the dams will be prioritized. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Groundbreaking for Confucius Institute in Central African Republic Just Weeks After Massacre of Chinese Miners

An inauguration ceremony for a new Confucius Institute was held at Bangui University in the Central African Republic last week. It comes only a few weeks after nine Chinese mining personnel were killed and two injured in a gun attack in the city. There is still  no clarity  on who was behind the attack, which also triggered the evacuation  of 80 Chinese nationals. Confucius Institutes are state-funded language learning centers that have come under attack in the United States and elsewhere amid suspicions that they function as influence operations.  (@WUPENG_MFACHINA) Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199

Chinese Companies Also Want to Limit Their Exposure to China Risk

Western companies like Apple aren’t alone in trying to limit their exposure to China.  Chinese companies  are increasingly eyeing overseas expansion too. While some of these moves are due to cost factors like lower salaries in countries like Bangladesh, increased  geopolitical tensions  are playing a growing role. “We already see a lot of China-based manufacturers are actively looking at setting up overseas productions with anticipation of the supply chain challenges and political risks,”  said  Shay Luo from the consulting firm Kearney. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a s

How Chinese Demand for African Pangolins Worsens Security in Cameroon

The African pangolin is a small mammal covered in hard scales. These scales are used in Chinese traditional medicine, fueling an illegal global trade that is driving these shy animals to extinction. Pangolins are now the most poached animal on earth, with one being killed every three to five minutes. The trade is also fueling organized crime networks that threaten peace and security in rural Cameroon.  A new investigative report by Alexia Tata, published by the U.S. Institute of Peace, draws on undercover reporting to show that the pangolin trade is exacerbating both corruption and violence in Cameroon. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited acc

Explainer: How ‘Modernization’ Became China’s Newest Talking Point

Qin Gang’s  first press conference as Foreign Minister  also saw the launch of a new Africa-focused talking point: Chinese modernization is different from and more inclusive than that of the West. Since then, Qin has repeated this point for example , at the Lanting Forum in Shanghai last week. It may seem abstruse, but the ‘Chinese modernization’ narrative has deep roots in a wider conflict between the United States and the Global South. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Partnership With China Could See Egypt Lead Africa’s Satellite Climate Change Studies

China is bearing the bulk of financing Egypt’s Horus Satellite program meant to boost Africa’s fight against climate change. Last month, Egypt’s space program launched another satellite, Horus-2, to help with monitoring climate change in the country that is increasingly edging towards water scarcity. The launch took place at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China where Horus-1 was launched into the sun-synchronous polar orbit (Chinese) in February 2023. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source https://chinaglobalso

Africa’s Debt-fueled Infrastructure Binge Will Not Generate Economic Growth, Says Prominent Kenyan Scholar

Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia are among a number of African countries that borrowed billions of dollars over the past twenty years to build massive infrastructure projects that policymakers in those countries all thought would help grow their economies. That didn’t happen and now those countries are wilting under a pile of debts they may never be able to repay. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

New Boston University Report Challenges Chinese Debt Trap Meme That’s Still Popular With U.S. Government Officials

Researchers at Boston University’s Global Development Policy Center did not mince words in a report published this week, in which they stated that “debt trap diplomacy is not a driver of Chinese lending and overseas development finance.” For anyone who follows this issue closely, it might seem odd that yet  another prominent U.S. research institute  is going out of its way again to debunk an assertion that has been repeatedly disproven  by numerous scholars around the world. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source https:

Nigeria to Finance Major Pipeline After Chinese Funding Falls Through

The Nigerian government will pick up the tab to build the last portion of  the 614-kilometer AKK natural gas pipeline  that China had originally agreed to finance. In 2017, the Bank of China negotiated a deal to fund the $2.5 billion project but those agreements were never finalized. But the Nigerian government decided to proceed anyway hoping that the Chinese money would eventually come through. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

TotalEnergies Signs Deal With Chinese Contractor for Controversial Africa Pipeline Work

French energy giant TotalEnergies concluded a deal with China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering and East Africa Oil Pipeline operator EACOP to build the environmentally controversial pipeline in East Africa. The Chinese company will replace a Russian pipe supplier to provide some of the 1443-kilometer pipeline.  (UPSTREAM) Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Secret EU Document Reveals Big Plans for Key China Allies

Politico has obtained  a confidential EU briefing outlining plans  to regain influence in four “priority countries” deemed too close to China and Russia. In order to isolate China and drum up global support for Ukraine and against Russia, the document advised the EU to reenergize its relationships with Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Chile. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Guatemala Leans Into Its Support for “Republic of Taiwan”

Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei  pledged  his country’s unconditional support for what he repeatedly called ‘the Republic of Taiwan.’ He is on a trip to Taipei  following a visit  by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to Guatemala City in early April. Giammattei  repeatedly expressed support  for Taiwan’s independence. Before he left,  he told reporters  that the trip sends a “clear message that countries have a right to self-governance.” Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

More Evidence of China’s Diminishing Appetite for African Oil

I Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Awards for Online Influencers From Global South Countries Who “Tell Good China Stories”

Chinese propaganda authorities recognized seven online content influencers from various countries around the world, including Cameroon and Iran for their contributions to “presenting a true, panoramic view of China.” The awards were given on Friday at the inaugural China Storyteller Partnership ceremony that took place in the eastern city of Nanjing near Shanghai. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

WEEK IN REVIEW: Chinese and Indian Oil Buyers Ignoring West’s Price Cap on Russian Crude

Chinese and Indian oil buyers are ignoring the West’s price cap on Russian crude, snapping up a majority of Moscow’s output at prices well above the $60 per barrel limit.  The cap was imposed by G7 countries in a bid to curb revenue used by the Russian military to fund its operations in Ukraine.  (REUTERS) Germany will move to reduce its dependence on critical minerals processed in China by supporting refining initiatives in Namibia, Chile and Indonesia and other countries rich in strategic resources, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz . Chinese officials, however, argue that such “friend-shoring” efforts will exacerbate global supply chain problems.  (REUTERS) Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out w

China’s Newest Talking Point on Debt: The U.S. Dollar is to Blame

As China faces  increasing criticism  around perceptions that it is holding up debt relief processes, its state media seems to be trying out new talking points in its messaging on the issue to Global South audiences, as seen in a recent article in the  state-owned tabloid Global Times : The US’ irresponsible monetary policy is the root of African debt problems. Relying on dollar hegemony, the US has implemented three rounds of quantitative easing, cut interest rates to near zero, and flooded Africa and emerging markets with low-interest dollars. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Alr

Namibia Partners With Chinese Company to Build 50MW Wind Power Plant

Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) has signed power purchase and transmission connection agreements for the development of a 50MW wind power project in Lüderitz , southwestern Namibia. CERIM Lüderitz Energy, a joint venture between Riminii Investments and Energy China, will undertake the project which will cost $96.4 million . Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Chinese Company Targets Zimbabwe’s Solar Power Generation Amidst Crippling Blackouts

The China Energy Engineering Corp. has propositioned the Zimbabwean government for the construction of a 1,000-megawatt (MW) floating solar plant on the Kariba dam along the Zambezi River. At nearly $1 billion, the project will be on the world’s largest man-made lake. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

China’s CMOC Reaches Breakthrough Contract Settlement Deal With DRC Over the TFM Cobalt Mine

The Chinese mining giant CMOC announced on Wednesday that it finalized a deal with the DR Congo’s state-run mining company Gécamines over royalty payments for the massive Tenke Fungurume (TFM) copper and cobalt mine. CMOC said in a statement published on its website  that a “win-win” consensus on royalty payments to Gécamines had been reached but did not provide specific terms. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

China’s Offer to Mediate Israel-Palestinian Conflict Lacks Credibility, Say Analysts

This week’s offer by Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang  to facilitate peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority  was quickly dismissed as unrealistic by prominent scholars and analysts who closely follow the issue. Qin spoke separately with the foreign ministers from both sides on Monday  and said that resolving their longstanding dispute is a “ top priority ” for Beijing. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Iran-China Trade Topped $15 Billion Last Year: Report

Two-way trade between China and Iran increased by 7% last year to $15.8 billion,  according to new data by Chinese customs authorities. Iranian exports to China accounted for $6.35 billion, while imports from China totaled $9.4 billion. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Chinese Embassy in Nigeria Refutes Times (UK) Story That Claimed “Beijing is Indirectly Funding Terrorism”

The Chinese embassy in Abuja denounced  a report published last weekend in The Times (UK) newspaper  that alleged Chinese companies are bribing militants for access to mineral reserves in northern Nigeria. The embassy said the report by the paper’s West Africa correspondent Richard Assheton was based on “ unverified, unclear and unproven information. “ Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

In the U.S.-China Duel, the Philippines Has Chosen a Side, Says Xiamen University Southeast Asia Scholar

When Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. was elected president of the Philippines last year, there was a lot of hope in Beijing that he would reset ties with China after six turbulent years of Rodrigo Duterte’s unpredictable foreign policy. Now, less than a year later, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that a reset is indeed happening, just not the way that China had anticipated. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Backgrounder: China-Australia Iron Ore Fight

The Australian-based company Sundance Resources  is suing  the China-linked Australia-based AustSino for malpractice and corruption over the Mbalam-Nabeba iron project on the border of Cameroon and the Republic of Congo. The court case has led to  eye-popping allegations , including that the dispute might be linked to the death “under mysterious circumstances” of a former Cameroonian mining minister.    Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

China’s Economy Rebounds on Back of Increased Trade

China’s economy  rebounded in the first quarter  of this year, with gross domestic product growing by 4.5%, exceeding expectations. A recovery in retail spending and real estate prices has added to growth, according to  new economic figures  released on Monday. The 4.5% growth rate still falls short of the Chinese government’s target of 5%, largely due to the ongoing effects of COVID-related shutdowns. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

China’s Online Supporters Incorrectly Thought They Saw the Vietnamese Dissing the Blinken by Not Displaying a U.S. Flag

China’s online supporters, including a number of diplomats and well-known trolls, seemed to think the Vietnamese government was trying to send visiting U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken a message when they only featured a Vietnamese flag in the room during a meeting with Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính. “Blinken visited Vietnam , but apparently too suddenly, Vietnam did not come in a hurry to prepare the American flag. Kudos to Vietnam ,”  said one user on Twitter. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source https://chin

New Billion-dollar Korean-Chinese EV Battery Plant Deal Likely to Anger the U.S.

South Korea’s LG Chem signed a deal with Chinese mining and metal refining giant Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt  to build a massive $920 million electric vehicle battery factory in southwest Korea. While the proposed factory makes a lot of sense for companies like LG that supply Korean automakers with EV batteries, it may provoke an angry response from the United States. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

What’s in Store for Chinese Companies Encouraged to Invest in Equatorial Guinea?

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, Qin Gang, recently urged Chinese companies to invest in Equatorial Guinea and expressed that the Chinese market is open to receiving more products from the African nation. After meeting his Equatorial Guinea counterpart, Simeon Oyono Esono Angue, in Beijing last month, Qin said that China is willing to deepen exchanges with the African nation while also synergizing the development strategies of both countries. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source https://chinaglobalsouth.

WEEK IN REVIEW: Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida to Embark on a Four-Nation African Tour Next Month

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida will embark on a four-nation African tour next month, a trip widely seen as an effort to counter Chinese and Russian influence on the continent.  This will be the first visit to Africa by a Japanese leader since 2016.  (NIKKEI ASIA) Secretary of State Antony Blinken is reportedly planning to visit Vietnam this week, according to a visiting U.S. Senator in Hanoi.  Washington is hoping to upgrade ties with Hanoi but Vietnamese officials are reportedly anxious the move will upset China.  (REUTERS) Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subsc

First Signs of Progress on Debt at Spring Meetings, But Much Remains Unclear

There is  cautious optimism  at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) spring meetings in Washington DC for progress on debt relief. Earlier this week,  Reuters  and other outlets reported that China could be willing to drop its demand that Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) like the World Bank and IMF have to accept losses as part of debt restructuring. Whether China is actually willing to make concessions still has to be confirmed.  Wednesday saw  the first full-fledged meeting of a Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable, led by the World Bank, the IMF and India, the current head of the G20. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited acc

The Philippines Walks a Tricky Line Between the Superpowers

China  has rejected  a joint  call  by the Philippines and the United States to scale back its presence in the South China Sea. This follows Tuesday’s  2+2 talks  between U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique Manalo and Carlito Galvez, the Senior Undersecretary of Defense. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Chinese Analysts Warn New U.S., Philippines Security Plan Will Escalate Tensions in the Pacific

The United States and the Philippines agreed to a new long-term plan that will pave the way for a major increase in U.S. security assistance to the Southeast Asian country over the next five to ten years. The deal was finalized on Tuesday at the State Department in Washington, D.C. , where the top diplomatic and defense officials from both countries met as part of the “2+2 Ministerial Dialogue.” Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Advice for African Leaders on How to Manage Newfound Lithium Wealth in the Era of Great Power Competition

Lithium production in Africa is  expected to jump fourfold in the next ten years  as demand surges for the metal needed to build batteries for electric vehicles. While that may produce another resource boom in some countries, it also presents unique challenges, given that access to critical resources is now among the most fiercely contested areas in the escalating China-U.S. duel. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Chinese Company Commences Construction Works After 5-Year Delay as Kenya Turns to Mega Dams for Irrigation

China’s Sinohydro Corporation and Engineering has received the green light to commence works on the $135 million Mwache Multipurpose Dam project in Kenya’s Kwale County. Launched by President William Ruto on Thursday, the long-awaited project is scheduled for completion in 2026. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

Chinese Experts Weigh In On Brazilian President’s Visit to Beijing

Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva  is scheduled to arrive  in Shanghai on Tuesday, after a March visit was rescheduled due to illness. He will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday. Before leaving,  he said  he also plans to invite Xi to Brazil. While trade will dominate the agenda,  geopolitics  are steadily creeping in. Lula’s  entourage includes  numerous agricultural executives, a sign of the importance of agricultural commodities to the relationship. Brazil is interested in diversifying this trade. More than twenty deals on finance, investment and agriculture are expected. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access.

Brazil’s Lula Heads to China With a Ukraine Peace Proposal That’s Effectively Dead on Arrival

Brazilian President Luiz Inàcio Lula da Silva had hoped to arrive in Beijing on Tuesday with a plan to present to Chinese President Xi Jinping that would end the conflict in Ukraine. Lula dispatched a special envoy to Kyiv last week to present the idea of  ceding Crimea to Russia  in exchange for a settlement.  But that was a non-starter with the Ukrainians, who politely dismissed the proposition on Friday: Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

How Important is China’s New Role as Mideast Mediator? Depends Who You Ask.

The smiles and awkward handshake among the foreign ministers from China, Saudi Arabia and Iran last week in Beijing that finalized a once-improbable reconciliation between the two Persian Gulf rivals triggered another wave of analysis by scholars around the world about the significance of China’s role as the new mediator of choice. Predictably, Chinese academics expressed near-euphoric levels of confidence that the deal is proof Beijing is now mature enough as a global actor to be a legitimate alternative to the U.S.  Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in C

Amid Twin Political and Economic Crises, Tunisia Turns on West and Announces Intent to Join BRICS

The Tunisian government angrily pushed back against both the International Monetary Fund and the European Union over how to resolve the North African country’s twin economic and political crises. President Kais Saied bluntly told the IMF on Friday that he would not comply with the fund’s “diktats”  that called on the government to cut subsidies and implement other economic reforms he said would prompt widespread social unrest. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

WEEK IN REVIEW: Chinese Surveillance Ship Docks in South Africa’s Durban Harbor

A Chinese surveillance ship, which can track rocket launches, has docked in South Africa’s Durban harbor.  The Yuan Wang 5 previously drew security complaints from India  when it docked in Sri Lanka . Its stay in South Africa comes barely two months after Pretoria upset Western powers for its  joint naval exercises  with China and Russia.  (BLOOMBERG) Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen arrived in Belize on Sunday, the second leg of a three-day tour to two of the island’s last remaining diplomatic allies in Central America.  In Guatemala, President Alejandro Giammattei said ties with the island were “unbreakable.”  (ASSOCIATED PRESS) Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscri

EACOP: Court to Determine Fate of Oil Pipeline Project by Chinese, Other Shareholders

Just days after Lloyd’s Cincinnati confirmed that it will not insure the controversial East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), the project faces another hurdle at the East African Court of Justice (EACJ). The EACJ is expected to rule in the case challenging the construction of EACOP filed by Natural Justice , the Centre for Strategic Litigation, the Centre for Food and Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT) Limited, and the Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO). Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source https://chinagl

China’s Top Africa Embarks Envoy on Three-Country Tour

W Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source

China’s Southeast Asian Diplomatic Blitz

This is a busy time for diplomacy between China and its Southeast Asian neighbors. Senior Chinese officials are  holding numerous meetings  with their counterparts in the region. Following the recently-concluded visits from Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong,  this week also saw  calls and meetings with senior envoys from economic powerhouses in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), reportedly covering both economic and regional security issues. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Her

How Does Africa Get the Tech It Needs?

As geopolitical tensions rise, external partners want a say in African development choices. This is particularly true for digital expansion, where Global South countries are  frequently framed as  battlegrounds between Chinese companies like Huawei and Western competitors. However, African policymakers are gaining agency in diversifying their partners and pushing their own digital growth priorities. This becomes clear in  a fascinating set of interviews  with African decision-makers in the digital economy, led by the Africa-China expert Folashadé Soulé for the UK’s Global Economic Governance Programme. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited acces

China is Increasingly Determined to “De-Dollarize” Its International Trade

When Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim went to Malaysia’s parliament this week to brief lawmakers on his recent trip to China, he emphasized his discussions with President Xi Jinping about transitioning away from relying solely on the U.S. dollar for trade. “There is no reason for Malaysia to continue depending on the dollar,”  Anwar told lawmakers about his conversations with Xi to create an Asian Monetary Fund that would elevate the role of the Chinese currency. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source https://chinaglobalsou

China’s CiEG Signs 2.4 Giga-Watts Power-Purchase Agreement With Zambia’s Zesco Amidst Debt Crisis

The Integrated Clean Energy Power Company Ltd (CiEG) of China signed a Power-Purchase Agreement (PPA) on Monday with the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (Zesco) for the generation of 2,400 Megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. In a statement from Peter Chibwe Kapala, Zambia’s minister of energy , the investment costing $3.5 billion will be implemented in four provinces over three years. Zesco Managing Director Victor Mapani and CiEG’s Executive Director, Yong Chi, witnessed the signing ceremony which took place at the Zesco Head Office in Lusaka. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings)

Preview of New U.S.-China Popularity Polling in Africa

T Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $19/mo OR Yearly $199/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Learn More source