Chinese Embassy in Zimbabwe Gets Into Media Spat Over the Return of a Controversial Diamond Mine

In a highly unusual move, the Chinese embassy in Zimbabwe published a detailed rebuttal on the website against allegations that they were involved in the return of the controversial Anjin diamond mine.

The spat began on Sunday when The Standard columnist Tawanda Majoni published a scathing article that implied the Chinese government played a role in revitalizing Anjin after it was banned from the country in 2016.

Majoni’s comments clearly irked the embassy because they came at him with the type of rhetoric usually reserved the likes of Mike Pompeo and Beijing’s other “tier 1 critics.” They described his column as filled with “unfounded accusations, conjectures, and sheer lies, proving nothing but an appalling lack of common sense and self-confidence.”

What’s interesting here what issues provoke the Chinese to respond so quickly and forcefully? It’s odd because when there are often legitimate issues that necessitate a Chinese embassy statement or comment, they’re usually reticent. But from time to time, someone at the embassies gets irked and we see these full-throated denunciations of issues that would largely go unnoticed had they not said anything. 

There was a similar situation in Liberia earlier this month when the Chinese embassy in Monrovia published a passionate 1600 word rebuttal to a rather standard U.S. warning about the dangers using Chinese technology.


Other China-Zimbabwe News:

  • SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES: Zimbabwe takes notes from China SEZs model (BULAWAYO24)
  • ECONOMIC PLANNING: Chinese experts to conduct virtual workshop with Zimbabwean officials to develop five-year national development (XINHUA)
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