Conservation Group Reports “Appalling” Human Rights Violations Aboard Chinese-Owned Fishing Trawlers in Ghana

The London-based conservation group Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) published a damning report on Monday that details “appalling” human rights violations aboard Chinese-owned fishing trawlers that operate in Ghanaian waters.

The report details extensive exploitation of local crew members by Chinese managers that range “from beatings to a lack of drinkable water or basic medicines and punishing working hours.”

In its recommendations, EJF calls on the Ghanaian government to immediately launch an independent investigation into the allegations of human rights abuses and labor violations aboard trawlers operating under its flag.

The group also called for enhanced protection of whistleblowers who report violations.

Key Highlights From EJF’s Report on Human Rights Violations Aboard Chinese Fishing Trawlers Operating in Ghana

  • BEATINGS: “Ghanaian crew members experience regular violence when sorting fish –if the fish are not sorted quickly enough or to the satisfaction of the captain. Captains will kick or beat the crew with anything they can find–whether a stick, stone, basket or boot. This can happen multiple times per trip.” (PAGE 26)
  • SLEEP DEPRIVATION:  “Ghanaian crew members reported lengthy working hours and very limited rest periods during their work on the industrial trawl fleet. On some days there would be no rest at all, as the net is hauled in every two to three hours. The crew may still be sorting through the catch from a previous haul when the net is hauled in again.” (PAGE 32)
  • LIVING CONDITIONS: “According to crew members, the cabins on the vessels are reserved for the Chinese nationals and fisheries observers. Ghanaian crew members sleep on cardboard boxes or nets out on the deck with a tarpaulin as shelter. They report getting wet from the rain and being bitten by cockroaches as they sleep. Possibilities to wash or bath are limited. On some vessels, there are no washing facilities.” (PAGE 33)


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