One of the World’s Foremost Scholars on Race and Racism in Afro-Chinese Relations Uses YouTube to Deliver an Innovative Lecture to His Students

Lingnan University (Hong Kong) Assistant Professor Roberto Castillo is widely regarded to be among the world’s foremost scholars on Africa-China race relations. With his students all stuck at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Professor Castillo decided to try something different than the usual Zoom calls that he uses to engage his students and instead posted a lecture on YouTube for his students that serves as a master class in contemporary issues related to race and racism in Africa-China relations.

In particular, Professor Castillo spends a lot of time reviewing the dramatic events that unfolded in April in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou when dozens, possibly hundreds of black and African residents were evicted from their homes and hotels, sparking a widespread outcry. The incident remains highly contentious within large swathes of African civil society.

Key Highlights From Professor Castillo’s YouTube Lecture on Race and Racism in Africa-China Relations

  • [9:48]AVOID FRAMING THIS ISSUE IN A US/EUROPEAN CONTEXT: “What usually happens in these debates (about Afro-Chinese race and racism issues) is that these issues get quickly colonized by the hegemonic power of Euro-American imperialism and its binary discourse of race and racism.”
  • [12:37]RACE & IDENTITY ARE FLUID CONCEPTS: “Without a doubt, radicalized identities have been a historically significant element in Africa-China relations. These radicalized identities are expressed and experienced in shifting ways across both time and place… and to think there is one single ahistorical way perceiving or thinking about blackness in China or Chineseness in Africa is definitely inaccurate.”

Watch the full lecture on Professor Castillo’s YouTube channel and follow his writings on the Africans in China blog or on Twitter @AfricansInChina.

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The post One of the World’s Foremost Scholars on Race and Racism in Afro-Chinese Relations Uses YouTube to Deliver an Innovative Lecture to His Students appeared first on The China Africa Project.



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