Chinese Diplomats Are Now Leaning in To the “Wolf Warrior” Meme

The so-called “Wolf Warrior” meme that characterized Chinese diplomats in much the same way as the gung-ho, take-no-prisoners, Rambo style action star in the blockbuster movie was once roundly rejected by officials in Beijing.

But no more.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Hua Chunying now seems to embrace the idea and reframed it as China simply defending itself against its critics (namely the United States and Australia). 

Interestingly, the Chinese Wolf Warrior concept is rooted in Africa. Beyond the fact that the movie itself was set in some fictitious African country, one of the first Chinese diplomats to earn the nickname was the outspoken former Chinese ambassador to South Africa Lin Songtian.

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The post Chinese Diplomats Are Now Leaning in To the “Wolf Warrior” Meme appeared first on The China Africa Project.



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