French-Chinese Business Cooperation in Africa

Last month the China-Africa Research Initiative (CARI) at Johns Hopkins University hosted a French-language webinar that explored Franco-Chinese business cooperation in Africa. The discussion was conducted in French but now CARI has released an English-language summary of the key highlights from the three panelists:

  • Thierry Pairault, Director Emeritus of Research, French National Centre for Scientific Research; Director, Research Center on Modern and Contemporary China, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS)
  • Jérémy Rubel, Director of International Business Development, SETEC ITS (Société d’études techniques et économiques/Technical and Economic Studies Company, Intelligent Transportation Systems division)
  • Amadou Sy, Director of Investments, Meridiam; Founding Member, Afrikamaono

INTRODUCTION: “Many aspects of Sino-African relations receive biased or simplistic media coverage. This is especially true of highly nuanced issues, like the dynamics between Chinese and Western business activity in African countries.

While most former colonial powers have seen their market shares across Africa decrease as China has grown its economic footprint on the continent, their total volume of trade with African countries has increased. In raw numbers, trade between the European Union and Africa has grown more than China-Africa trade over the past decade.

These developments, along with various rumors and misconceptions, are often used to frame the situation as a zero-sum competition between China and the EU. The truth of the matter, however, is far more complex.” (READ MORE)

Watch the full webinar (in French): Coopérations entrepreneuriales franco chinoises en Afrique

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The post French-Chinese Business Cooperation in Africa appeared first on The China Africa Project.



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