A Groundbreaking New Report Provides Unprecedented Insights Into Chinese Lending Practices Around the World

A new report provides an unprecedented view into Chinese loan contracts with dozens of governments throughout the Global South. Researchers from AidData, the Kiel Institute, and the Center for Global Development analyzed 100 contracts between Chinese state-owned entities and government borrowers in 24 countries and then compared the terms of those contracts with those of other bilateral, multilateral and commercial creditors.

China’s lending practices are notoriously opaque and until now very few people other than key principals involved in the actual loans have had the opportunity to review these contracts in detail so as to better understand the specific legal terms and how they’re structured.

What the research team discovered is that China is “a muscular and commercially-savvy lender” who employs contract terms that are in many ways quite similar to those of other international creditors. However, they did note a number of key differences that highlight how China structures its debt deals in such a way that are not “win-win” and put borrowers at a considerable disadvantage.

3 Highlights From the New Report “How China Lends”

  • STRICT NON-DISCLOSURE CLAUSES: The Chinese contracts contain unusual confidentiality clauses that bar borrowers from revealing the terms or even the existence of the debt.
  • CHINA BUILDS IN ITS ADVANTAGE: Chinese lenders seek advantage over other creditors, using collateral arrangements such as lender-controlled revenue accounts and promises to keep the debt out of collective restructuring (“no Paris Club” clauses).
  • CHINA LIMITS BORROWERS’ OPTIONS: Cancellation, acceleration, and stabilization clauses in Chinese contracts potentially allow the lenders to influence debtors’ domestic and foreign policies. Even if these terms were unenforceable in court, the mix of confidentiality, seniority, and policy influence could limit the sovereign debtor’s crisis management options and complicate debt renegotiation.

Read the full 85-page report on the AidData website.

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The post A Groundbreaking New Report Provides Unprecedented Insights Into Chinese Lending Practices Around the World appeared first on The China Africa Project.

source https://chinaafricaproject.com/2021/03/31/a-groundbreaking-new-report-provides-unprecedented-insights-into-chinese-lending-practices-around-the-world/


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