A Proposed Senate Bill Intended to Increase U.S. Exports to Africa Seems to be Far More Focused on Confronting China

U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin published a press release on Monday that touted a new bipartisan bill that aims to increase U.S. exports to Africa. The “Increasing American Jobs through Greater Exports to Africa Act” is ostensibly about America’s steadily declining trade volume with the continent but you wouldn’t know that from reading the press release that was far more focused on how to “counter malign efforts by China.”

In fact, China was mentioned 11 times in the short 1.5-page press release, nearly matching the 14 references that former National Security Advisor John Bolton made about China in the 2019 speech at the Heritage Foundation when he launched the Prosper Africa strategy.

Every Quote From a Senator in the Press Release Included the Words “China” or “Chinese”

  • BEN CARDIN (D-MD): “As African countries seek to grow their economies, the United States can and should enlarge its trading partnerships for mutual benefit. This bill would strengthen our ties with African countries, counter malign efforts by China to expand its global influence, and enhance U.S. interests by significantly increasing U.S. exports to Africa.”
  • JOHN BOOZMAN (R-AR): “As Chinese influence rapidly grows in Africa and elsewhere, strengthening trade relationships with our allies is more important than ever. An effective trade strategy with African nations will help us increase jobs here at home and keep us competitive in the global market.”
  • CORY BOOKER (D-NJ): “This bipartisan bill will help American workers by creating more jobs at home, while offering African consumers better options than what they currently have with Chinese and other companies that often operate with substandard labor and environmental practices.”
  • JAMES INHOFE (R-OK): “This bipartisan legislation is the right step to charting a new course in our relationship with Africa from one focused on aid to one that is focused on mutual trade. It would help create American jobs by increasing the number of U.S. exports to Africa and would counter China’s growing influence on the continent.”

Interesting side note: Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez launched a new Africa strategy on Monday and said that he plans to make the continent a priority in Madrid’s foreign policy and the words “China” or “Chinese” were not mentioned once in the 84-page policy paper.

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The post A Proposed Senate Bill Intended to Increase U.S. Exports to Africa Seems to be Far More Focused on Confronting China appeared first on The China Africa Project.

source https://chinaafricaproject.com/2021/03/30/a-proposed-senate-bill-intended-to-increase-u-s-exports-to-africa-seems-to-be-far-more-focused-on-confronting-china/


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