U.S. Senator Blasts China For Selling Countries “Garbage Vaccines” and Prompts a Furious Media Backlash From Beijing

While U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian took swipes at one another on Tuesday over global vaccine distribution, another dispute broke out — this one between a prominent Republican Senator and the nationalist Chinese tabloid Global Times.

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse published a column in the Wall Street Journal that called on the United States to vaccinate more than a billion people around the world before Thanksgiving in late November and said it should become the State Department’s top budget priority for the year.

The Senator, like President Biden and other U.S. officials, wants to contrast U.S. vaccine distribution with China’s by saying that America’s comes with no “dangers and strings attached.” 

Well, it didn’t take long for China to respond. Within hours of the WSJ column appearing online, Global Times replied with equally colorful language:

  • U.S. SENATOR BEN SASSE: “In its usual mafioso fashion, Beijing has made delivery of vaccines contingent on the recipient nation’s breaking diplomatic ties with Taiwan, or agreeing to use Huawei—China’s tech giant/espionage agency—to provide 5G internet service. China has charged astronomical prices for garbage vaccines.” (WALL STREET JOURNAL)
  • WANG WENWEN, CHIEF REPORTER FOR GLOBAL TIMES: “The performance of U.S. politicians has reached new lows in international relations practices… the U.S. is immersed in vaccine selfishness. The U.S. cannot reshape its global leadership with lying. China welcomes it if the US takes real action to compete with China in providing global public goods. But if the US just talks big, it will continue to be the laughing stock of the world.” (GLOBAL TIMES)
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The post U.S. Senator Blasts China For Selling Countries “Garbage Vaccines” and Prompts a Furious Media Backlash From Beijing appeared first on The China Africa Project.

source https://chinaafricaproject.com/2021/05/19/u-s-senator-blasts-china-for-selling-countries-garbage-vaccines-and-prompts-a-furious-media-backlash-from-beijing/


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