Former U.S. Diplomat Peter Pham Draws China’s Ambassador to the DRC Into a Twitter Feud

Long time Twitter rivals J. Peter Pham, a U.S. diplomat during the Trump administration and a vocal critic of China in Africa, and China’s ambassador to the DR Congo, Zhu Jing, squabbled again over the weekend after Pham tagged the ambassador personally in a critical post related to the Sicomines deal:

J. PETER PHAM: Now that we know what the people of the DRC did not get from Kabila’s “minerals for infrastructure” agreement with China, it is time to do an audit of what the Chinese managed to take from the Congo – essentially without paying. @Amb_ZhuJing

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The post Former U.S. Diplomat Peter Pham Draws China’s Ambassador to the DRC Into a Twitter Feud appeared first on The China Africa Project.



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