
Showing posts from November, 2021

Xi Lays Out an Ambitious Agenda For Engagement in Africa With a Focus on Vaccines and Trade

Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled a sweeping package of trade, health, and investment programs that all appear intended to address the continent’s immediate demand for combatting the COVID-19 pandemic and sparking economic growth. The president laid out his proposals on Monday during a keynote address at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation conference that’s now underway in Dakar.  This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in Click Here to Lea

Xi’s Billion Dose Vaccine Pledge Signals a Huge Increase in its African Provision

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s promise to provide a billion more doses of COVID-19 vaccines to African countries is a dramatic change from the rather paltry 107 million jabs that Chinese pharmaceutical companies have distributed to date across the continent.  For a continent with a population of 1.2 billion people, China’s vaccine distribution so far was enough to inoculate only 50 million individuals. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in

Presidents Sall and Ramaphosa Address FOCAC

Senegalese President Macky Sall, host of this year’s FOCAC, and President Cyril Rampahosa from South Africa both delivered speeches at the forum on Monday, among the few African leaders this year to speak at the event. Both spoke of the importance of FOCAC and how they feel it amplifies Africa on the world stage. Then, each used the opportunity of their time on stage (virtually in the case of President Ramaphosa) to showcase specific issues of concern: This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $14

FOCAC is Triennial and So is Africa’s Presence on the Front Page of China’s Largest Newspaper

It’s rare that African issues make it into the pages of China’s largest newspapers, much less to the front page of the People’s Daily, the country’s most important publication. But it does happen once every three years when the Chinese President delivers his FOCAC address as was the case on Monday. Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect with leading professionals on the China- Africa Experts Network. You've reached your free monthly article limit. Subscribe today for unlimited access. SUBSCRIBE: $15 per month SUBSCRIBE: $149 per year -17% Savings This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed

France Watches FOCAC 8 With Skepticism

Coverage of this week’s FOCAC 8 in the French media is considerably higher than in previous years, most likely because it’s taking place in Senegal — a francophone country that Paris has long viewed as in its traditional sphere of influence. So, with that in mind, it shouldn’t be a tremendous surprise that French stakeholders ranging from media outlets to journalists to scholars all seem to be looking at the conference in particular and China’s expansive role in Africa more broadly with a high degree of skepticism: This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscr

On the Eve of FOCAC, China Publishes White Paper That Details Ties With Africa

The Chinese government laid out an ambitious blueprint for its ties with Africa detailed in a 36-page white paper  published by the State Council (China’s equivalent to the cabinet in the U.S.) on Friday , just two days before the opening of the eighth FOCAC ministerial conference in Dakar. The first half of the document is thick with Chinese political discourse emphasizing China as a peer country among equals within the Global South. The authors allocated considerable space in the White Paper to detailing China’s contributions to African countries in the realms of COVID, debt relief, and Ebola among other things. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throug

Gyude Moore Reflects on China’s New White Paper and Weighs How African Stakeholders Should Respond

The release of the White Paper on Friday provoked a lively discussion online among scholars and analysts. W. Gyude Moore, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington, D.C., and a prominent Africa-China observer weighed in with a lengthy, nine-part Twitter thread: Even in the face of declining Chinese financing, China seeks to assure its African partners: “It will continue to expand cooperation in investment and financing with Africa and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in agricultural and manufacturing sectors.” This will be tested in what is announced in a few days at FOCAC. $60 billion has been the highest announced figure. Will that number increase, decline or remain constant? Will the focus shift significantly to investment and away from debt-financed infrastructure? Lack of access to vaccines, repeated failure to honor climate financing agreements have frayed the fabric of global trust. It is not by coincidence that China includes “good

China’s Critics Are Piling On Over the Entebbe Airport Story, Even the Originator of the “China Debt Trap” Meme

The online flurry over the Entebbe Airport story is drawing out commentators and critics from all sides of the debate, including the New Delhi-based author and analyst  Brahma Chellaney , the man who first coined the phrase “debt-trap diplomacy.”  In his tweet on S unday , Chellaney went after both China for its predatory lending and the “China-friendly voices in the West”  who have repeatedly debunked his assertion  that China seizes strategic assets from countries that are unable to repay their debts to Chinese creditors. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening

The U.S. State Department Has All But Abandoned the Chinese “Debt Trap” Line, But Pentagon Officials Haven’t

One of the many differences between the Biden State Department and that of his predecessor Donald Trump is that today’s U.S. diplomats rarely make any public reference to Chinese “debt traps,” very common taking point just a couple of years ago. Inside the State Department, a number of mid-to-senior-level officials who specialize in this topic have come to the conclusion that there just isn’t enough evidence to make the case. They are also aware that this line of attack also generates push-back from African counterparts who reject the idea they’ve been victimized by Chinese predatory behavior. For example, on his recent tour of Africa, Secretary of State Antony Blinken made some veiled references to “unsustainable debts” but studiously avoided the “debt trap” meme. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insight

Millions of Leaked Bank Transactions Reveal Massive Corruption by the DR Congo’s Former President Kabila, Some Linked to Chinese Entities

A pair of blockbuster investigations have been published this month by separate organizations in France and the United States that detail how millions of dollars were illicitly siphoned out of the country by the former DR Congo president Joseph Kabila and his allies, including millions from Chinese entities connected with the $6 billion Sicomines mining deal in 2007. One report was produced by a consortium led by The Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa, a Paris-based anti-corruption group known as Pplaaf, and the French news site Mediapart. The other was led by the Washington, D.C.-based group called The Sentry, an organization funded by actor George Clooney that tracks illicit money flows and corruption. Both draw on the findings from more than 3.5 million leaked transaction records spanning a decade from the Gabon-based bank BGFIBank’s Congolese subsidiary in Kinshasa. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to r

Former U.S. Diplomat Peter Pham Draws China’s Ambassador to the DRC Into a Twitter Feud

Long time Twitter rivals J. Peter Pham, a U.S. diplomat during the Trump administration and a vocal critic of China in Africa, and China’s ambassador to the DR Congo, Zhu Jing, squabbled again over the weekend after Pham tagged the ambassador personally in a critical post related to the Sicomines deal: J. PETER PHAM:  Now that we know what the people of the DRC did not get from Kabila’s “minerals for infrastructure” agreement with China, it is time to do an audit of what the Chinese managed to take from the Congo – essentially without paying. @Amb_ZhuJing This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global So

Ethiopia’s Civil War Isn’t Slowing Construction of the Chinese-Financed and Built Africa CDC HQ

China’s Ambassador to the African Union, Liu Yuxi,  led a topping-out ceremony on Friday of the new headquarters of the Africa Center for Disease Control in Addis Ababa . The event marked the completion of the first phase of the project, which  is now 45% complete . Apparently, the ongoing conflict between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front is not significantly impacting construction of the new facility. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings)

FOCAC is Now Underway in Dakar. Here’s What to Expect

The eighth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation opened on Sunday in the Senegalese capital of Dakar. It was a rather low-key first day where Chinese and African representatives met as part of the Senior Officials Meeting, which effectively plays a similar role as that of an organizing committee, met to discuss the final outcome documents that will be released on Tuesday at the end of the conference. Senegalese Foreign Minister Aïssata Tall Sall held also talks with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi who arrived in Dakar on Sunday. Earlier in the day on Sunday, Senegal’s Economy Minister Amadou Hott chaired the China-Africa Business Conference that took place in the Diamniadio Exhibition Center and online with participants in Beijing.  This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Af

WEEK IN REVIEW: China Issues Travel Warning For Both Nigeria & DR Congo

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a travel warning on Monday for its citizens in both Nigeria and the DR Congo and called on its nationals in high-risk areas in both countries to evacuate immediately.  Spokesman Zhao Lijian specifically called on Chinese nationals in the eastern DRC provinces of Ituri, North, and South Kivu to leave, cautioning that there would be little chance of assistance for them in the event of a kidnapping or attack. Five Chinese people were abducted by militants in South Kivu on Sunday and their whereabouts remain unknown. It’s not clear who are the assailants and what motivated the attack. Tensions between Chinese miners and local stakeholders have run high since August when Theo Kasi suspended six Chinese-run mining companies. Also, the region has seen an increase in activity by the feared M23 rebel group lately. (ASSOCIATED PRESS) Copper prices were under pressure on Monday amid mounting concerns over the health of the Chinese real estate sector.  “We shou

Finally, Some Good News For Kenya’s Embattled Standard Gauge Railway

While Kenya struggles to repay billions of dollars of loans to the China Exim Bank used to build the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), the government is getting a badly-needed boost from higher cargo and passenger volumes. Kenya Railways this week reported that its SGR cargo business  jumped by 24% in the first nine months of the year  compared to the same time last year, generating $89 million in revenue. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log in C

Chinese Mining Companies Move Forward With Two Huge Deals Worth More Than a Billion Dollars in Ghana, DRC

The economic turmoil brought on by the ongoing pandemic has done nothing to stem the appetite of Chinese mining companies looking to expand their presence in Africa. This week alone, Chinese mining giants Zijin and Chifeng Jilong both received approval this week to proceed with deals that total more than $1.2 billion combined: DR CONGO:  Chinese mining major Zijin Mining received approval from its board to invest $769 million to build the largest copper smelting facility in Africa at its Kamoa-Kakula mine in the DRC that it runs with jointly with Canadian firm Ivanhoe Mines.  (REUTERS) GHANA:  China’s Chifeng Jilong Gold Mining has received Ghana’s approval to proceed with the acquisition of Golden Star Resources, which owns 90% of the Wassa gold mine in the country’s southwest, for $470 million in cash.  (MINING.COM) Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Connect

China Ramps Up Criticism of Blinken’s New Africa Policy

China escalated its criticism of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Washington’s new foreign policy approach towards Africa that downplays Beijing.  Whereas the initial reaction to Blinken’s three-nation tour emerged on Monday in two columns in the nationalist tabloid Global Times,  one in Chinese  and  the other in English , by two scholars from a  Ministry of Foreign Affairs-backed think tank , on Tuesday, the country’s top broadcaster CCTV  published a similarly damning critique of the visit in an unsigned column . This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happeni

Here’s a Headline You Don’t See Very Often, If Ever, On a U.S. Government-funded Media Channel

Normally the Voice of America’s coverage of Chinese engagement in Africa focuses on the  threat posed Huawei ,  Chinese “debt traps” , or Pentagon assertions that  Beijing wants to build new bases on the continent . In the more 11 years that CAP has been following the China-Africa story, we have no recollection of VOA producing even a single story that’s been remotely positive about Sino-African engagement. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber? Log

Huawei’s Training Session in Mozambique Highlights Three Important Trends

China’s ambassador to Mozambique, Wang Hejun, personally handed out certificates of completion on Monday to dozens of local government officials who finished a technology training course led by tech giant Huawei. This particular program was unexceptional in that it’s just one of dozens, if not hundreds, of similar training initiatives that the Chinese company has organized across the continent over the past year. In this instance, 150 officials from various Mozambican ministries including Foreign Affairs, Labor, Defense, and Interior all took part. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South...

FOCAC PERSPECTIVES: Relieve the “Pressure Points” in China-Africa Ties By Expanding Trade and People-to-People Ties

Every day leading up to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation conference on November 29th and 30th, CAP will feature perspectives from journalists, academics, activists, and business leaders about what they hope will emerge from the FOCAC event in Dakar. If you would like to participate and share your perspective, please email a short paragraph to CAP’s Africa Editor Cliff Mboya: . This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber?

If You Want a Preview of the FOCAC Agenda, Look at What Xi Said During the China-ASEAN Summit

President Xi Jinping  spoke on the opening day of the virtual China-ASEAN leaders summit on Monday  and laid out a five-point plan that echoes many of the themes that Chinese officials have been hinting will be discussed at the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) ministerial conference in Dakar next week: MULTILATERALISM:  China’s resistance to what it perceives as unilateral sanctions and other measures by the United States emerged as the first point articulated by President Xi: “China firmly opposes hegemonism and power politics,” he said and called for “the need to practice true multilateralism.”  It is very likely that this will emerge as a prominent theme in the FOCAC Action Plan as well. COVID:  PresidentXi called for the creation of a “health shield” against COVID-19 and announced further financial support for ASEAN countries to help bolster their public health response to the pandemic. He also announced a new donation of 150 million doses of COVID vaccines

Senegalese Government Officials Are Ready to Say 你好 (Hello) to Thousands of Chinese Visitors Attending Next Week’s FOCAC

Dozens of Senegalese officials from throughout the government have completed a Chinese language and culture training program at the University of Dakar’s Confucius Institute in preparation for next week’s Forum on China-Africa Cooperation conference that will take place next week. The students received certificates this week for completing a course in basic Mandarin, Chinese etiquette, and “general knowledge” about China. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a s

Kenyan Labor Union Calls For Employees of a Chinese State-Owned Contractor to Strike, Police Arrest 5

Members of the Kenya Ceramics Tiles, Wood Ply, and Interiors Designers Workers Union have gone on strike to protest working conditions at construction sites run by the China State Construction Engineering Cooperation (CSCEC).  The union submitted a list of 11 grievances  (photo) against the company that included a failure to pay salaries on time, sexual harassment, and the need for a “Human Resources Manager who understands Kenyan laws.” The company has not publicly responded to the allegations of misconduct. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe to

The Back Story of China’s Most Popular Vlogger in Africa

Wang Yao had lived in East Africa for more than a decade and became increasingly frustrated with the way that Africa was depicted in the Chinese media. When he searched for “Africa” on search engines or social video sites, all he got were the usual memes about war, famine, and safaris. So he decided to do something about it and launched his own channel on the Chinese version of TikTok, known as Douyin. His upbeat, stylized videos about daily life in Kenya took off. Within just three months he reached a million followers and now, a year later, he’s closing in on 5 million. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa

FOCAC PERSPECTIVES: Appeals For More People-to-People Ties and For Mutual Respect Between Chinese and Africans

Every day leading up to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation conference on November 29th and 30th, CAP will feature perspectives from journalists, academics, activists, and business leaders about what they hope will emerge from the FOCAC event in Dakar. If you would like to participate and share your perspective, please email a short paragraph to CAP’s Africa Editor Cliff Mboya: . This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber?

The Stark Difference Between How African and U.S. Governments See Engagement With China Was Clearly Evident in Nigeria

The huge divide between how African governments see their engagement with China and how it’s framed by the United States was on full display  at a press conference late last week in Abuja with visiting Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his host Nigerian Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama . While Blinken appeared to intentionally avoid using some of the more controversial rhetoric about “debt traps” and imported labor that has long informed official U.S. thinking on this issue, he wove in subtle, indirect references to several of the longstanding criticisms of Chinese investments in Africa. But Onyeama, like many of his peers in other foreign ministries, was not afraid to push back on that narrative: This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full acces

U.S. Foreign Policy in Africa No Longer About Confronting China, Says Blinken

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was at pains last week to emphasize that confronting China is no longer the central focus of U.S. foreign policy towards Africa, as it was during the Trump administration. While the Trump White House  referenced China 14 times when its Prosper Africa strategy was unveiled in February 2019 , Blinken brushed aside the China issue during an interview with the  BBC’s Deputy Africa Editor, Anne Soy , in Nairobi: This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (1

U.S. Beltway Analysts and Journalists Mostly Praise Blinken’s New Approach to China in Africa

Journalists, think tank analysts, and scholars largely expressed approval for U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s new, less confrontational approach to China’s engagement in Africa. It’s important to note, however, that often the views of these analysts tend to be far more nuanced than those of the politicians and special interest groups who run the agenda in Washington, D.C., so these sentiments may not be widely-shared outside of the capital’s media-think tank nexus: This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly

The U.S. President’s Son Involved in Controversy About a Chinese Mining Deal in the DR Congo

U.S. President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter (photo), is once again at the center of a rapidly expanding controversy, this time about the sale of U.S. mining company Freeport-McMoRan’s stake in the massive Tenke Fungurume copper and cobalt mine in the DR Congo to the Chinese mining giant China Molybdenum. The younger Biden,  according to the New York Times , was not directly involved in the 2016 transaction that helped to solidify China’s dominance in the strategic cobalt supply chain, but he was a board member on a firm that helped to facilitate the deal. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South..

Tanzanian Authorities Arrest Chinese Farmer For Illegally Pumping Millions of Liters of Water From Local Rivers

A Chinese large-scale farmer was arrested by local authorities in the small village of Kidogozelo in eastern Tanzania for using a high-capacity pump to draw water from the Ruvu river to irrigate his vegetable farm. The unnamed Chinese national is accused of installing and using an illegal irrigation machine capable of pumping a total of 1 million liters of water per hour from the river to his farm. Other China-Africa Headlines: DR CONGO:  Two Chinese nationals and a Congolese official were sentenced to 10 years in prison over the procurement of Chinese women as prostitutes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, their lawyer said on Saturday.  (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST) SIERRA LEONE:  The government is moving forward with its plan to build a Chinese-financed fishing harbor and processing facility at Black Johnson Beach, warning residents who have not reached land settlement claims with the government to do so before November 30th.  (THE INSTITUTE FOR LEGAL RESEARCH AND ADVOCACY FOR

Xi Wants to Reboot the Belt and Road Initiative to Become Greener and Less Financially Risky

Xi Jinping laid out what state media described as a “new vision” for the president’s Belt and Road Initiative with a focus on more environmentally and economically sustainable projects. The President called for tighter control over BRI projects and for more emphasis on “high standard” projects (Chinese official-speak for higher quality projects) as well as for more investment in digital initiatives in developing countries. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a

A Chinese Province Seeks to Make Inroads in the Kenyan Market

While U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was visiting Kenya last week, a low-key B2B trade show was taking place nearby in Nairobi’s Sarit Exposition Centre. It would probably have been worthwhile for the Secretary and his entourage to check it out. It shows the diversification of China’s economic engagement in Kenya, and elsewhere in Africa, beyond just the large state-owned enterprises that have long dominated the narrative. Instead, this event was organized by the somewhat obscure northern Chinese province of Shandong. It is hoping to open new markets in Africa for local companies that specialize in transportation, chemical products, construction equipment, and medical technology among other sectors. This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full

FOCAC PERSPECTIVES: What’s Next For China’s Commitment to African Media Development, Climate-friendly Infrastructure, and Resources-for-Infrastructure Deals?

Every day leading up to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation conference on November 29th and 30th, CAP will feature perspectives from journalists, academics, activists, and business leaders about what they hope will emerge from the FOCAC event in Dakar. If you would like to participate and share your perspective, please email a short paragraph to CAP’s Africa Editor Cliff Mboya: . This marketing content will be shown in place of your protected content to anyone who is not allowed to read the post… Get a daily email packed with the latest China-Africa news and analysis. Read exclusive insights on the key trends shaping China-Africa relations. Full access to the News Feed that provides daily updates on Chinese engagement in Africa and throughout the Global South. China, Africa and the Global South... find out what’s happening. Subscribe today for unlimited access. Monthly $15/mo OR Yearly $149/yr (17% Savings) Already a subscriber?

WEEK IN REVIEW: China Announces Strong African Trade, FDI Data in the Run Up to FOCAC

Two-way China-Africa trade reached $185.2 billion in the first nine months of the year, according to new data provided by Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Qian Keming.  At this pace, the two regions will easily surpass last year’s total of $187 billion .  Chinese investment in Africa during the same period increased to $2.59 billion, up 10% compared to the same time last year. Overall, however, Africa’s share of China’s total global trade and FDI remains relatively small at less than 4% for both.  (XINHUA) Passenger traffic on Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway has fully recovered and now exceeds pre-pandemic levels.  The Madaraka Express between Nairobi and Mombasa carried an average of 200,000 passengers per month in the January to August period, a significant increase over 2019’s monthly average of134,000, according to the Kenya Bureau of Statistics. The SGR generated $262 million during that period which will help to service the loans from the China Exim Bank used to build the railway.